Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Workout Before the Workout!

Since the hurting in my feet tends to happen more frequently than I want to admit to, I realize that I need to focus on other kinds of work outs and get back on track with eating healthy ALL of the time, rather than most of the time.

Because accountability works well with me, I decided to ask Diana, a fitness trainer, to work with me via email.  I'll tell you more about Diana in a future blog, but let's talk about getting ready for my first week.  I already had two 5-pound weights.  Diana wanted me to get some heavier weights as well.  Since Wellsville is in the middle of nowhere, I decided to order the weights and have them delivered to my home.

After a busy day at work, I arrived home to four misshapen boxes on my back porch.  I knew instantly what they were--my new dumbbells.  I opened the first box and it contained two 8-pound weights.  Grabbing a weight in each hand, I pumped the weights as I walked from the porch to the garage where I have my play workout room.  I chuckled as I told myself at least I'm working out as I walk.

The next box contained two 10-pound weights.  I did the same thing and thought it wasn't too bad.  As I went back and unwrapped the two 15-pound weights, I found myself tucking one of the weights partly under my arm and walked with the other one pressed against my stomach--they weighed a little too much to pump as I walked!

As I unwrapped the two 20-pound weights I just laughed.  I carried them one at a time and thought, "Wow!  That was a workout and we haven't even started!"

So I've been on this new plan for a week and did awesome for the first week!  I lost 8 pounds.  Now...there's no "whoo ouu" with the loss.  I had gained 10+ pounds after winning the fitness challenge at the jail.  So until I'm back at my "winning" weight, I'm not getting too excited about the current loss.  BUT I am excited to be back on track.

How about you? 
·         How is your fitness journey going? 
·         What are you proud about?
·         What do you want to accomplish this summer?  You can do it!!!!!!!!

~ Barb
Journaling along on the road to fitness

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's My Mom's Fault!

What you're about to read, I blame on my mother!  Growing up, when we needed to get rid of the refrigerated leftover food that no longer was recognizable, my mother would either have us dump it down the toilet or toss it into the ditch that runs along the driveway.  Now as an adult, I continue to honor such a ritual.
For those of you who don't know me very well, I actually live in the house that I grew up in.  There's no longer a ditch, but rather a "dry creek" that runs along the driveway.  I still toss spoiled food into the dry creek thinking that the bunnies and crows will either enjoy a special treat or have a bad case of indigestion. 
Now that Memorial Day has come and gone, I decided it was time to get rid of the leftover baked beans.  Last night I tossed them into the dry creek and didn't give it any more thought.  HOWEVER, when I headed out to my car this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see a beautiful young deer enjoying the baked beans.  I watched her for several minutes and even took a few pics of her.  I was able to stand about 10 feet from her and I felt it was my duty to let her know that the baked beans might not agree with her.  She just tilted her head as though to say, "Crazy woman!  The beans went down easily and I haven't a clue what you mean!"  I couldn't help but think of that poor deer throughout the day. 
Wellsville recently has had a pig on the loose, a bear making the rounds, and now a deer that might make a skunk's odor seem pleasant!
So...what does feeding baked beans to a deer have to do with my fitness journey?  Not much!  Other than to say I'm cleaning out the refrigerator and getting ready to follow a new eating plan.  And now that I think about it, I should've set out the leftover milk from the three jugs that were in the fridge--probably the deer was thirsty after all those beans!
With summer right around the corner, what's your favorite healthy summer meal?
~ Barb
Journaling along on the road to fitness

Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm back!!!!

Many of you have been following me on my Facebook page "Downsizing".  Recently I've heard from a few people wondering why I haven't posted anything much in the past couple of months.  In all honesty, it's been a struggle.  I could go "on and on" about foot pain, but the bottom line is, regardless of what pain I'm in, I need to lose weight!!! 

So even though the past couple of months have been challenging ones and not all of my decisions have been healthy ones, I'm refusing to jump ship.  Accountability works very well for me.  Now that Joe, the healthcare coach, is no longer working with me, and since walking has been limited (doctor's advice) I'm not currently working with Coach Brian, I knew that I needed to seek out accountability.  Starting next week I'll be following a fitness plan designed for me.  I'm excited!!!  And I'll definitely be held accountable!  I'll tell you more about that next week.

So, I'm back on track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Journaling along on the road to fitness